Tuesday 29 December 2015

Construction linking to theories and storyboard

We decided not to go with the idea of having Alex walking down the street on her phone. This was because we thought that it would be more intimate if we were to keep all the scenes shot in the house, but instead have a chasing scene after that would take place late at night highlighting discomfort for Alex on her own street. The first few shots would all tie well with Laura Mulveys theory of the male gaze. We demonstrated this by having the camera in Alexs’ bedroom watching everything she does. We also filmed some shots where the camera would move up Alexs leg as she was laying down on the bed.

Using the peep hole to see when the characters are approaching the door gives the opportunity to show little snapshots of their personality traits as they wait for the door to be answered. We therefore get our first opportunity to put props 8 character theory into play as we try and decipher which characters are which.
The shot where the villain is seen through the door is a perfect way to catch a glimpse of the character. It represents some sort of invasion and a disruption of the equilibrium. This links to Todorovs theory of equilibrium where once there is a disturbance in the story it cannot go back to normal without first having met the recognition and repair stage.
It is at this point that the disruption period will come into play and the story will start to develop. This is shown on our story board with scenes such as where Alex answers the phone and there is a mysterious voice calling or where Tiffany’s nose starts to bleed.
As this is a trailer there will be no repair scene as the intention of the trailer is not to give away the ending to the story. Therefore at this point the scenes will develop in their brutality. Meaning that there will be more blood and gore. At this point it will become clear that our villain is female which goes well with the theory of the Monsterous feminine. 

Thursday 17 December 2015

careful use of mise-en-scene

When filming it occurred to use that as our theme for the movie was Christmas which is a religious event that it would be a good idea to incorporate some candles into various scenes as a sign of hope for the characters. On the other hand they also represent a symbol of witch craft so it seems as if the characters can never escape from the evil.

We also had a variety of Christmas decorations to emphasis the fact that it is Christmas time. There are lights around Tameras’ neck as if someone could kill her with it foreshadowing her future in the film.

Using religious items is a convention used in most horror films as a lot of the time it produces some sort of solution to the problem and can help save the day. 

Friday 11 December 2015

Evidence of communication

From my prelim task I have found that the best from of communication was to set up a Whatsapp group. This is particularly helpful when organising when to meet up and sharing ideas

Thursday 10 December 2015

Horror make-up

Here is the make up process to creating the perfect look to our villain

We also had to use make up when filming as our characters to make it seem like we had been beaten up by the villain

Friday 4 December 2015

Filming in action

Adding make up

Props we need for filming today

Characters walking into the house

Making fake blood that can be in characters mouths.

Monday 30 November 2015

Shooting schedule

This is the general idea behind the dates and things we will be filming. We know that this might not exactly go to plan however is gives us something to follow. It may also be possible that more days for shooting will be needed especially when we start editing and find that we need more shots or different shots.

Saturday 28 November 2015


Scripting for Trailer
*Alex is walking down the street and texting*
Alex: Guys, parents out of town. How about a movie night at 8?!
Riley: I’m down
Jane: be there after work!
Tiffany: yay can’t wait!
Alex: be at mine for 6! (to Riley)
Riley: ooo... bestie pre-party

*Alex is now at home*
*Riley enters*
*They begin playing music and dancing*                               sound bridge
*knock knock knock*                                                                      - music                              
*enters Jane, Tiffany and two boys*                                         continues
Tiffany: Hey girl
*Music continues + good vibes*
*subtle eerie music begins*
Riley & Alex: Uhh guys you can’t just bring random people to my house
Tiffany: Come on girl lets just have fun
Jane: yeah! They won’t cause any trouble, I promise!
*eerie music intensifies*
*doorbell rings*
Alex; guys c’mon, that’s enough uninvited guests
Tiffany & Jane: umm Alex, we don’t know who that is
*Tiffany looks through the peep hole*
*Tiffany looks again and gasps because of what she sees*
Tiffany: omg guys you won’t believe what I’ve just seen. The weirdest thing ever!
Alex & Jane: Girl please, it was probably just the trees
*They get cut off*
*house phone rings*
Alex: Hello
Phone: crackling/distorted sounds
Tiffany *beings to feel uneasy, goes to the bathroom, looks in the mirror, blood drips, heavy breathing, scared facial expressions*
Living room scene
Boy 1: Where’s Tiffany gone?
Boy 2: Uhh guys what’s happened to the TV
Jane: Tiffany?                     They scream for Tiffany
Riley: Tiffany
Alex: Tiffany?  
*they turn around*
*they scream*
*lights flicker*
*sees tiffany*
*lights off*
*screaming continues*
Alex: omg guys what was that??
Dialogue stops
Music intensifies
Quick cuts of scary scenes

*heavy breathing*

Friday 27 November 2015

Production Company Logo: Final

Here is our Final Production Company Logo. This will fade into the movie trailer

Thursday 26 November 2015

Production Company Logo: Construction

After we had all the footage we settled into the editing process

Picking the best clip

Adding text

Changing the opacity

Changing font

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Monday 23 November 2015

Model Consent Forms

Main Characters

                   Jane                                Rilley                              Tiffany                              Alex
                 Janaan                             Nisha                               Tamera                            Romara


Picture 1: The green screen title page
Picture 2: Our company logo
Picture 3: Alex (the main protagonist) is walking down the street
Picture 4: Alex is in her room and there is a time laspe showing an intimate view of what a teen girl does in her room i.e. dancing, dressing, being on her phone
Picture 5: Jump cuts of her friends entering the house, and there are also two uninvited guests

 Picture 6: Alex talks to Jane and Tiffany about the uninvited guests, then the door bell rings
 Picture 7: Tiffany goes to answer the door but sees no one through the spy hole, and then a dark figure walks past
Past pace shots from this point
Picture 8: The phone rings and Alex answers but there is no one on the other side, just noises and distorted voices
Picture 9: Tiffany goes to the bathroom looks in the mirror and sees black gunt/ blood coming down from her eyes. The villain then appears behind her as a reflection in the mirror.

Picture 10: Tiffany stands in front of her friends in her new possessed state and the lights go off
Picture 11: Establishing shot of the house as the lights go off and screams are heard
Picture 12: Alex is lighting a match and as she does Rilleys scared face comes into the picture before a hand comes and grabs her from behind and drags her away
Picture 13: Jane is grabs as she tries to make a run for it
Picture 14: One of the boys are on the floor as they have been stabbed and Alex is helping him. The black figure appears behind them
Picture 15: Tiffany is in a corner of the cupboard panting as Alex approaches Tiffany reveals her new form and it is no longer the Tiffany that the group knew

Sunday 22 November 2015

Saturday 21 November 2015

Group Narrative

 Here is a snap shot of the basic narrative
     Alex  walking home and messages friends (invites friends about movie night parents are away for the weekend)

-         Alex  tweets about the new house being horrible and Rilley comes over to chill before the movie night starts
-         Everyone arrives 

Two guys who were not invited turn up with Tiffany and Jane 

Alex addresses the issue of the uninvited quests with the girls
The reason we have this is because it shows how the story starts in a state of equilibrium. It also presents how young teens are constantly on social media.

(Initial disruption)

-         Door bell rings again and Alex sends Tiffany to answer the door because she thinks that its more uninvited people. Tiffany is looking though the spy hole and sees something walk past

-         Tiffany goes back into the room and says what she saw but the group are reluctant to believe her
This part shows how the stereotypical 'blonde' is never listened to as its like the story of The Boy Who Called Wolf

-         (Disruption confirmed)
-         Phone rings Alex picks up, when answered there are crackles and distorted voices heard through the phone

-         Tiffany goes to the bathroom looks in the mirror her eye begins to bleed and something appears behind her. (Tiffany does not see the figure as she is cleaning her face)

-         TV and lights start to flicker as Tiffany is upstairs

-      Riley looks out the window to see if the other houses are affected but the street appears to be fine

-         Tiffany comes down the stairs and stands in the doorway uncomfortable and twitching. She catches the attention of the group and they begin to worry as black gunk falls from her body and she starts to make noises

-         Lights go off and the group begins to panic as they can't find each other

-         Alex gets matches, lights one and Riley get grabbed from behind by Tiffany

-         Jane gets grabbed on the floor out of nowhere suggesting some paranormal activity

-         One of the boys have been stabbed and we have a point of view shot of him bleeding on the floor

-         Alex is panicking and helping him

-         Alex is now searching for tiffany, and find her in the washing room crouching down and she turns towards them, her features all changed and she is no longer herself.

Friday 20 November 2015

Production company logo- construction

We decided that as our production company name was 'House of Shadows' that our logo should incorporate something to with shadows and houses. We then decided to add more of an individual touch to our company that we should make our own shadow puppet for the logo. This would allow us to make the house and the character the way we wanted it.
We researched some images on the internet of haunted houses and the Nosferatu character. Once we had seen a few we set our designing them on 3D design so that they could be cut out on the laser cutter.

We then submitted the final designed product and allowed the laser cutter to do its job. We chose a black acrylic plastic to use as it would be the best for casting shadows

We will be filming the production company logo in a few weeks time

Sunday 15 November 2015

Production company name decision process

This is how we came up with our production company name

Brainstorming different ideas for our horror idea

We thought it would be really interesting to record our brainstorming process and show it to give our audience a true insight into how we came up with our trailer

Audience research: Survey

 This shows that my target audience by a small proportion like horrors that get straight into the storyline than the others that would first try to build up things such as character development

 Most people prefer to watch ghost, spirit and psychological horrors. From my previous research I understand that this is because of the fact that these two genres are easier to relate to and are therefore scarier.
 The two options here that were selected were the 'equally both' and 'male'. I would say from watching many horrors that I might disagree with the results. This is because of the fact that most spirits/ ghosts will be female. The male presence may come in where there is more possession involved as the devil/ a demon is described to be a male.
 Here my audience had the option to write what scares them in a horror. Though they are all different they are real fears that can be played on or turned into moral panics.
 Most people selected that having the location set in a normal house would be the best location. Again we now know that this is because the home is a place that everyone can relate to and a place where they would typically feel safe.
 Storyline appears to be the most important part of the movie according to my audience. This could be because it keeps the attention of the spectator and allows them to develop their understanding of the story as it plays out in front of them.
 This is where the final girl theory comes into play. My audience has picked up on the fact that women are usually the ones to survive in a horror.
Most people strongly agree with this characteristic of teens in horror films.

Friday 13 November 2015

Reaction video: horror clips

I composed a group of clips for three students to watch and recorded their reactions to them. This would help me in understanding what will scare people.